Monday, 30 March 2020

Learn to keep record of Sales Tax on Purchases from Vendors with QuickBooks Support

With this accounting software you must learn about keeping record of sales tax on Purchases from Vendors. And it will be a great thought that if you will be versed with such topics.

We request you to carefully view the description on this topic. You might need to gather tax for some of the goods and services for what you will be providing. QuickBooks Desktop will enable you to maintain the exact record of taxes so that you can view them and remit them for accurate tax collecting agencies. Immediately call our QuickBooks Support.

How to keep record of sales tax on purchases as an expenses

  • To generate an Expense account in QuickBooks Desktop
    • In the Company menu, with the help of mouse choose Chart of Accounts.
    • In the Chart of Accounts window tab, double click on anywhere on screen and choose New.
    • In the Choose Account Type window, click on to the Expense then choose Continue.
    • Type the Account Name and rest all information then choose Save & Close to save the file and exit from the other programs.
  • At the time of creating transaction where you will try to keep record of sales tax, type the bill and click on to Expenses tab and choose the account for an expense.
  • Now, you can type the amount of sales tax in the Amount column
  • Make sure that the information about any detail when added up to re verify the expense and select recalculate.
If you are done with this step and no error appears then you can continue to process tax on sales purchase and if still error persists you can contact our QuickBooks Support. Our technical experts will help you out in debugging error.

You can dial our number on your phone at QuickBooks Support on helpdeskaccounting or you can also mail us on your mail id at

Friday, 20 March 2020

Call QuickBooks Customer Care to Change Payment Method

What will happen if at all you want to change the mode of payment and it is not happening, or you might stuck in between modifying the payment method? You need not to worry, QuickBooks Customer Care will avail you the best solution to our precious clients. Remember, only an administrator can update information of payment.
How to change the method of payment in QuickBooks Desktop?
  • In Company Settingstab 
  • Click on Account & Billing 
  • And then choose Account.
  • Then next to Payment method, click on change
  • On the Payment Method page, confirm that address of your company should match your address of credit card, then click on either Card or PayPal
    • If you have chosen PayPal,
    • Log in or confirm your ATM/Debit card number,
    • And click on Place Order.
    • If you have chosen Card, follow one of the instructions:
      • If you want to add a card you've used before, select from the existing cards on file, and click on Place Order.
      • To add a new card, click on Choose another way to pay,
      • Fill out the needed information, and click on Place Order.
  • On the Order Confirmation page, click on Done.
Hope, this crucial query is been solved out. If at all you are still facing any issue you are free to contact us at QuickBooks Customer Care and you can also drop us a mail at support You can simply get connected to our experts they will be on their best to solve all issues.

Friday, 13 March 2020

Call QuickBooks Error Support for QuickBooks Error ps 107

QuickBooks Error Support is declared as one of the best customer support you can ever get. To make your accounting tension free we are providing you each possible solution to fix QuickBooks Error ps107. There are errors in QuickBooks which are recoverable and some are unrecoverable, but keep in mind the error we are discussing in this post is totally recoverable error. We usually face this error when any of the QuickBooks internal files are not readable, occurs due to damaged file in QuickBooks application.
Once you are over with causes, you must learn the steps to resolve QuickBooks Error ps107. You should carry active Payroll Subscription.

How to Resolve QuickBooks Error ps107?

Download and install the latest release of QuickBooks update.
Close and reopen QuickBooks.
Download the latest tax table.
If the error occurs, uninstall QuickBooks and do a clean install in Selective Startup.
o Take a backup of your QuickBooks company file.
o To perform a clean install in Selective Startup.

For further guidance, feel free to contact us at QuickBooks Error Support, our technical executives will revert you back within next 24 hrs. You can also send us an email at Our top most priority is to make all our precious customers satisfied with our support. If you still faces any issue related to any topic you can contact us directly.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Contact QuickBooks Error Support to Fix Beginning balance Issue in QuickBooks Desktop

The most common issue which occurs in QuickBooks Desktop is the error of beginning balance. But what will you do if this error arises? Don’t panic; contact QuickBooks Error Support to resolve your QuickBooks Error. When you are trying to open the Begin Reconcilation Window pane then choose the account you want to match or reconcile because the Beginning Balance displayed is zero. This may occur due to following reasons listed below:
  • When you were trying to set up an account, you entered wrong balance
  • All the transactions which were earlier cleared out or reconciled then those transactions were either deleted or customized.
  • When you wanted to convert the file and by mistake you modified from the other version of QuickBooks.
Learn how to rectify a zero balance with QuickBooks Error Support
Regenerate the opening balance
If you are the beginner to reconcile the account then you will be able to recreate the opening balance but when this feature is not available in the Begin Reconciliation window. QuickBooks Error Support avails you with error free support. However, instead of going through long process you can easily create a journal entry then perform a mini-reconciliation to rectify it.
  • To generate a journal entry by accessing the exact date and amount you want to display in the Begin Reconciliation window.
    • In the Company menu, then choose Make General Journal Entries.
    • Modify the date to the rectify statement date of your beginning balance.
    • On the first line, choose the accurate account from the Account drop-down menu.
    • Type the correct opening balance in the Debit column.
    • On the second line, choose Opening Balance Equity.
    • Click on Save.
  • Perform a mini-reconciliation to rectify the Beginning Balance in the Begin Reconciliation window.
    • In the Banking menu, choose Reconcile.
    • Click on the exact account from the Account drop-down menu.
    • Type the statement date and ending balance which matches your Journal Entry.
    • Click on Continue.
    • In the Deposits and Other Credits tab, choose the respective Journal Entry.
    •  Click on Reconcile Now.
Visit Helpdeskaccounting to fix an incorrect balance

How to rectify edited, deleted, or cleared transactions?
To search for the transactions which cause the discrepancy, make a run to any of these reports:

Reconcile Discrepancy report
  • In the Reports menu, choose Banking 
  • Then click on Reconciliation Discrepancy.
  • Select the suitable Account, and then choose OK.
  • You now carry a list of transactions that were modified since the last reconciliation done. Access this report to recognize the transaction/s causing the issue.
  • If at all you come across any discrepancy, then choose the transaction date and the Entered/Last Modified transaction, by this you will come to know about when the changes are done.
Audit Trail report
  • In the Reports menu, choose Banking and then click on Previous Reconciliation.
  • Choose the accurate account which is being reconciled.
  • Click on most current date of statement.
  • Choose Transactions cleared at the time of reconciliation and then click on Display.
  • Write down the statement and the reconciliation date of creation.
  • In the Reports menu, choose Accountant & Taxes 
  • Click on Audit Trail.
  • Choose the Account filter for the account which is to be reconciled.
    • Click on Customize Report.
    • In the Filters tab, select Account from the filters.
    • In the Account drop-down menu, click on to exact account.
  • In the Display tab. Choose the Date filter with the from field blank and the To date set to the statement date.
  • Click on OK.
  • Apply the Entered/Modified filter with the From date set to the earlier reconciliation creation date from the PDF, and the To field as current date.
Learn how to Undo a previous reconciliation and re perform it
  • To take the Back up of QuickBooks company file.
  • In the Begin Reconciliation window, choose Undo Last Reconciliation.
  • When message is prompted, click on Continue then select OK.
  • Close the window and reopen the Begin Reconciliation window.
Do not take into account the errors and allow QuickBooks enter an offsetting adjustment

Even though you didn’t find a difference of zero, choose Adjustment to end with the reconciliation process. QuickBooks will automatically type a Journal Entry in a special expense account which is called Reconciliation Discrepancies. You can verify and edit it as required by looking to your Chart of Accounts.

If you need to search for the Journal Entry, you can access:
  • The Find feature:
    • In the Edit menu, click on Find.
    • In the Advanced tab, select Memo from the filters.
    • Enter the Balance Adjustment, and then choose Find. Any balance adjustment will be shown on screen.
  • To view the earlier Reconciliation report.
    • In the Reports menu, then choose Banking 
    • Click on Previous Reconciliation.
    • If any balance adjustment was made, you will be able to look a General Journal Entry at the top of the report in the Cleared Transactions tab.
Quite obvious, you made a correct choice in searching for best accounting support. Yes, QuickBooks Error Support is always there to help you out in making your accounting bug free. With this solution you will be able to continue with QuickBooks. Feel free to contact us at QuickBooks Error support or you can also call us on our QuickBooks Helpline Number and you can also drop us a mail at

Friday, 6 March 2020

Contact QuickBooks Customer Care for How to Deposit Payments into Undeposited Funds

The Undeposited Funds Account holds customer payments in QuickBooks till the time you deposit at real time service. Once you carry your deposit slip, you can club this payment into a one record so that QuickBooks can match up with your record.

Method 1: To carry the payments in Undeposited Funds Account
·         Click on the Edit menu
·         Then Choose Preferences
·         Click on Payments from the list
·         Scroll to the Company preferences tab
·         Unmark the Undeposited Funds as a default deposit to account
·         Click on OK
Now, you can check an undeposited fund every time you generate a sales receipt
·         Click on Create Sales receipt
·         Choose the Customer from Customer drop down menu
·         In the Deposit drop down menu, click on Undeposited Funds
·         Fill out all the necessary details
·         Click on Save and Close

Method 2: To make a bank deposit

Method 3: Review your undeposited funds
·         In the lists menu, click on Chart of accounts
·         Double Click on Undeposited Funds
·         Choose Quick Report
·         Click All
·         Choose Customize Report
·         Click on to Filters tab
·         Move the filter
·         Choose Cleared
·         Click on No
·         Choose Ok

We gives you with high benefits of creating undeposited funds. Our team will surely revert you back within next 24 hrs after your query. Feel free to contact QuickBooks Customer care to avoid any kind of hurdles. Stay hurdle free with our guidance all over the payments into Undeposited Funds. You can also contact us at

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Contact QuickBooks Support USA to change user roles

In this blog post, QuickBooks Support USA is always keen to seek out all types of errors or issues. What if you want to change user roles then what will you do? You must not worry; QuickBooks Support USA will give you a short glimpse on such topics. Thus, if you want to set up different user roles for your QuickBooks Payments Account then, you must follow below mentioned steps:
There are mainly 4 levels of access you can give to your user in QuickBooks Payments:
User Roles
Access Level
Full Admin
Have access to delete users and can assign roles to current users
Limited admin
Have access for everything except managing details of merchant account
Full User
Don’t have access to account or user management
No Access
Don’t have access for online service center

How to change a user’s role

You can change a user's level of access from within QuickBooks Payment.
·         Sign in with your Full Admin login.
·         Choose the Account section tab, and then select the Users.
·         The next page will show all the existing users linked to this merchant account
·         Click on the Role listed in this window to modify the access level for that user.
·         A drop-down menu will be appeared from where you can click on one of the four roles.
·         Once you had chosen the new role it will update in this window.
·          After selecting the exact role, we will try to verify your identity, for privacy and security reasons.
·         Choose an option to receive your code through a text message or email, and then click on Continue.
·         Type your 6-digit code, and then click on Continue.
·         A prompt message will appear which will confirming the modified user role

How to remove a user?

There are users which cannot be deleted when they are added. The reason is either the email/login for a user is linked to other Intuit services that user can't delete. You'll need to restrict that user to No Access.

For other users you want to remove from list:

  • Select the X to the right of that user entry.
  • In the pop-up window, verify the delete request.
  • Choose the proper check-box and click on the OK, delete this user button. This will complete the request.

Add a Go Payment user (no access)

Go Payment users are users whom access to the Payments Account who have NO ACCESS. To allocate this role follow these steps.
  • Set up the additional users as Go Payment users.
  • Once the users have accepted the invitation, they will appear on the online service center under Accounttab, and then click on Users.
  • Search the user in the list and assign them a role to allow them exact access.
Now that you know how to modify user roles, we are sure you can carry on with your QuickBooks company file. We really trust that this job managed to fix all your glitches regarding user roles. Our technical team will surely find out more such issues you come across. For further assistance feel free to contact our QuickBooks Support USA as our team of expert leaders is available 24*7 or you can also directly drop us a mail at

Monday, 2 March 2020

Visit QuickBooks Customer Care for information on Managing and Creating roles in QuickBooks Enterprise

QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise allows you to customize roles so that users are bounded to certain specific task. You can also give permissions or authentication based on the section of your accounts. You can even set permissions for specific sections of your accounts. Based on their specific role, you can give users complete, partial, or inadequate access to create, modify, delete, or print data. Rights are bounded to some specified posts.
Let us discuss create and manage roles in QuickBooks Enterprise, follow the below mentioned steps:

Method 1: To Use predefined roles

Foremost thing is to learn how to set up users and assign roles to them.
Edit each role one at a time. To access and edit your roles:
  • Click on to the Company menu and choose Users. Then click on Users and Roles.
  • Choose the Role List tab option.
  • Choose a role and then click on Edit to review its permissions.
  • In the Area and activities section tab, click on area of your accounts
  • You can click on None, full or partial to set the access level
  • Once you had set permissions, click on OK to save

Method 2: To Create a new custom role

  • Click on to the Company menu and choose Users.
  • Then click on Users and Roles.
  • Choose the Role List tab and click on New.
  • Assign the role a name and description. 
  • In the Area and Activities section, click on the area of your accounts. 
  • Evaluate each area and choose None, Full, or Partial to set the role's permissions.
  • Once you had set permissions, click on OK to save.

Review roles and permissions

To review your roles and permissions, run a Permission Access by Roles report:
  • Click on to the Company menu and choose Users. Then click on Users and Roles.
  • Choose the Role List tab. Then click on View Permissions.
  • Click on the roles you want to review and then choose Display.
Hope we made you clear about managing and creating roles in QuickBooks Enterprise. For any query related to QuickBooks we are always available to help you out. You can freely call us anytime at QuickBooks Customer Care our technical team of experts is always keen to make you away from errors so that your processing in QuickBooks becomes error free. You can mail us at

Learn to Create a Missing E-Payment in QuickBooks Desktop with QuickBooks Error Support

QuickBooks is accounting software deals in accessing various financial accounting tools and services. With its demand in market you might ...