Saturday, 23 May 2020

Learn to Create a Missing E-Payment in QuickBooks Desktop with QuickBooks Error Support

QuickBooks is accounting software deals in accessing various financial accounting tools and services. With its demand in market you might be using this software but there are no such software where you don’t face any issue. Similar is the case with QuickBooks, there are some errors which occurs in QuickBooks but we assure you all QuickBooks Error are recoverable be it any unrecoverable errors, QuickBooks Error Support team is always there to give your proper assistance so that you can be tension free and focus on your business to bring the revenue in market.

Once you have made an e-payment by accessing the active QuickBooks Desktop Payroll which is subscribed to E-Pay, when a liability might be displayed as owed in the Pay Scheduled Liabilities window which occurs due to:
  • When the e-payment liability check is not posted on your register
  • When you tried to restore a backup which was created before making the e-payment
  • When try to void an e-payment once it has been transmitted to Intuit
How to recreate the missing e-payment as a liability check:
  • Generate the liability check by applying up a
  • Custom unscheduled liability payment
Learn to set up the reminder notices

Method 1: Add a reminder to your calendar.
o   Click on the Employee Center, then choose the Payroll tab.
o   Click on the Pay Liabilities tab.
o   Verify the liabilities to which you want to add reminders for
o   Choose the Set payment reminder dropdown menu, and then click on Add Reminder to Calendar.
o   Click on OK to add the shown reminders to your calendar.
o   A list of calendar apps will be shown, choose the desired calendar app.
o   Edit the reminder notice as and when required and click on Save.

Option 2: Export reminder in the calendar file
o   Click on the Employee Center, then click on the Payroll tab.
o   Choose the Pay Liabilities tab.
o   Verify the liabilities you want to add reminders on which you want to add the reminders
o   In the Set payment reminder dropdown menu, click on Export Reminder in Calendar File.
o   Choose OK on the notice to download.
o   Choose where you want to save the download and click on Save.
o   Search for the file which is downloaded and right-click on the file to open.
o   Select Open with and choose the desired app.
o   Edit the reminder notice as required and click on Save.

If you are not able to set up the reminder, contact QuickBooks Error Support.

  • Once choosing View or Pay, click on Check rather than electronic payment so that the payment is been recorded in QuickBooks Desktop which is not electronically paid a second time.
  • Clear the To be printed checkbox.
  • Add a note to the No. field at the top of the check which is known as e-payment.
This was indeed a good topic to be discussed upon, but if at all you are facing any issue you can immediately contact us at QuickBooks Error Support, our expert leaders over there are always active in order to satisfy you and bring you the best solution. You can drop us a mail on our mail id at

1 comment:

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Learn to Create a Missing E-Payment in QuickBooks Desktop with QuickBooks Error Support

QuickBooks is accounting software deals in accessing various financial accounting tools and services. With its demand in market you might ...